Jay Voorhees–Response to Bishop William Willimon on General Conference 2012

Most of all we have seen a Council of Bishops who have spent their careers as the consummate systemic insiders. For all of the rhetoric of creative leadership, many (if not most of you) have spent years serving on the very committees and boards that have failed to embrace change. The current boards and agencies, which have been largely groups that rubber stamped staff initiatives and General Secretary priorities, have not been held accountable even though it is Council of Bishop members who are, by and large, the presidents of those governing boards. The bishop, more often than not, are a body who are invested in the same political process that got them elected in the first place, a network of relationships that seems unable to truly embrace change.

And we’re supposed to trust you now?

Trust, as I understand it, rarely comes through authority imposed from above, but rather through the experience of one over time. Yes, we respect the office and place ourselves under your authority . . . but trust can only be given when it’s earned, and in far too many cases the expectation of blind obedience to power has ruled the day at the expense of building trust.

Read it all.


Posted in * Religion News & Commentary, Methodist, Other Churches

One comment on “Jay Voorhees–Response to Bishop William Willimon on General Conference 2012

  1. readerjames says:

    It might be helpful to have a such a cogent description of the upcoming General Convention. It could, of course, be written in advance.